Timed perfectly for a Valentine’s Day release, For All We Know is an exquisite, gentle, heartfelt and deeply emotional guitar-vocal duo for the ages, pairing the rich but wonderfully restrained talents of Emmy and Golden Globe nominated actress/vocal interpreter extraordinaire Gloria Reuben and guitarist and Grammy winning producer Marty Ashby.

A natural outgrowth of the pair’s gorgeous dual take on “Here’s To Life” from Reuben’s 2015 ensemble driven MCG Jazz debut Perchance to Dream, the 10 track collection weaves a wistful reflective and ultimately hopeful narrative featuring graceful, delicate pin drop pure arrangements of standards - from “I’ll Close My Eyes” and “A Time For Love” through “Where Do You Start?” and “Sing My Heart.” Although the duo engages our emotional attention as they lead us from note to note and track to track, the overall message is that no matter how many disappointments we have in the romance department, there are always fresh chances to meet new soulmates and spend beautiful moments with those we have chosen to love.
Certainly, Reuben’s busy acting career has been keeping her from gracing us with her otherworldly, ethereal voice more often. Here’s hoping for more openings in schedule between those gigs.