In my (naturally!) glowing review of Sarah Mendelsohn’s 2018 debut album If, I praised the diversity of the eclectic singer/songwriter’s musical palette (pop, rock, country, reggae/ska, rap, etc.) and wrote, “Taking hold of our hearts with her emotionally rangy voice, she paints her tales of joy, sorrow…”
Her new single “Lifeline” features both emotions working in a seamless tapestry of push and pull, acknowledging the mutual mistakes made and wrong roads traveled in a now imperiled relationship while offering slivers of hope that the original magic can be restored. Driven by Sarah’s deeply soulful lead vocal, lush vocal harmonies and edgy electric guitar, the track is a showcase of Sarah’s passion for heartfelt balladry and her natural and earthy poetic grace as a musical storyteller.

Though she wrote it pre-pandemic from a very personal place of darkness after being triggered by her empathy upon watching a Michael Jackson documentary, “Lifeline” can, after a year of COVID-19 fear, anxiety and exhaustion, also be interpreted in a more universal way.
Surely, Sarah had no idea just how certain lyrics about trying to preserve a singular personal relationship would resonate and meet the moment as we look forward to brighter days after an extended darkness: Well I wait and I wait for your embrace/But disappointment fills this place/But I’m hanging on to the lifeline/I think we’re running out of time/I hope you grab the lifeline/That can bring us back.”
These are words to inspire, thoughts to live by and just enough optimism to keep us going in the challenging days ahead.